Phuc Ha juice company limited "Branding from Red Dragon fruit juice Prosperous"
Take a sip of fermented red dragon fruit juice, you will feel the light sweetness of the dragon fruit, the slightly sour taste on the tip of the tongue, filled with the characteristic aroma of typical fruits in Binh Thuan Province.
Many visitors paid special attention to this unique and delicious drink in an event not to introduce the product. Ms. Le Thi Nguyen Ha - Director of Phuc Ha Juice Company Limited - shared on this occasion.
Madam, as one of the enterprises specializing in products made from dragon fruit, can you tell us the outstanding products – a key product of the company?
Our company produces many products made from dragon fruit - a typical specialty of the land of Binh Thuan such as red dragon fruit jam, dried dragon fruit, fermented dragon fruit juice, dragon fruit seeds …
However, the strength product of Phuc Ha Juice Co., Ltd is fermented red dragon fruit juice Prosperous, which is a product that has been confirmed in terms of brand and quality that not all businesses have.
With the desire to contribute to the prosperous development of the dragon fruit brand - Binh Thuan, Phuc Ha Juice Co., Ltd. has been established since 2015.
The main featured product is the fermented red dragon fruit juice with the brand name Prosperous. The quintessential health values from dragon fruit are all converged in this product.
Phuc Ha fermented red dragon fruit Prosperous is a product that makes a difference compared to other fermented products in Vietnam. The juice is completely pure, thick and full of the typical flavor of dragon fruit.
The drinker will immediately feel the light sweetness of the red dragon fruit, the acrid taste from the crushed dragon fruit seeds, the mildly sour taste of the fermented juice and the characteristic aroma of the product.
With the natural fermentation process, through the time of storage at the right temperature, the product has a unique and distinct flavor that can never be found in industrial products. In particular, the product has been recognized by the National Office of Intellectual Property as a valid scientific patent application in 2020.
To feel the unique taste of the product, the way to drink it is also very important, because it is pure juice with a thick consistency, so when drinking, we only need to use enough and add a little ice. After that, shaking well.
Thus, at the same time, you will feel the characteristic light aroma, the cool scent in the neck and spread into the body. It is still said that after drinking a glass of red liquid bar, the drinker will feel stimulated taste, the meal is much more delicious. The product is fermented under 5 degrees, so it will give the drinker a better, deeper sleep and wake up with an energetic body…However, besides having a very good digestive function, dragon fruit has welding properties. Therefore, users should not drink too much at one time, be able to promote the best effect for this wonderful drink.
Why is fermented red dragon fruit so important and a key product of the company, madam?
Dragon fruit (especially red dragon fruit) is anthocyanins rich - a potent antioxidant that helps prevent hardening of the blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke caused by blood clots. Phuc Ha's fermented red dragon fruit product Prosperous is sure to filter out all the nutrients not only from the flesh of the fruit but also the seeds. Red dragon fruit seeds are extremely valuable, contain many Omega 3, 6, 9 and saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, good for brain and eyesight, it is considered a precursor of DHA (Docosa Hexaenoic Acid) and EPA Eicosapentaenoic Acid).
Omega 6 is the main component that participates in the structure of cell membranes to make any cell structure healthy, it is fat without double bonds, is essential irreplaceable and has a low melting point.
Omega 3 is the main component of the brain and is necessary for the development of complete vision function of the eyes, for the complete development of the nervous system, has the effect of reducing heart arrhythmia, especially good for all ages. Especially, children of school age often have to focus on both their eyes and brain.
In addition, dragon fruit seeds also contain very high calories. Therefore, our company has successfully researched, tested, and produced red and white dragon fruit seeds. Retaining the core part of dragon fruit, contributing to improving the value of Binh Thuan dragon fruit trees, is the criterion that we aim to bring to the market products with good effects for savvy consumers.
In addition, to serving the domestic market, dragon fruit is also a product that our company aims to be able to export to foreign countries in the future. We are in the process of researching the market and consumer behavior to promote the export of this valuable commodity.
To be able to overcome difficulties in the current period, businesses must be extremely flexible and have a long-term vision to survive and develop. But the existence and development of enterprises cannot be alone but need the support of management policies. In your opinion, how do policies need to be implemented effectively?
Due to the impact of the Covid 19 epidemic, many businesses have been severely affected, in which our business is not an exception. Although the Government and related agencies have many policies and circulars to support businesses in difficulty. However, in my opinion, the support policies are more effective, transparency is essential.
For example, the policy to support cooperatives and micro-enterprises, start-ups with technologies for processing agricultural products are implemented according to what regulations? What requirements must be met to access preferential capital from credit institutions? We have a government policy but why small businesses like us are always difficult to reach and how to solve these problems.
(Nguồn Vietnam Business Forum)

Ms. Le Thi Nguyen Ha - Director of Phuc Ha Juice Co., Ltd
Địa chỉ trụ sở | Address: Thôn Hải Xuân , Xã Hải Ninh, Huyện Bắc Bình, Tỉnh Bình Thuận, Việt Nam
Mã số doanh nghiệp | Tax code: 3401113447
Sở Kế hoạch và Đầu tư Tỉnh Bình Thuận cấp ngày 09/11/2015